Friday, November 28, 2014

week 12

This week was our last week for school. we briefly discussed some tips for assignment 3 that I found to be quite helpful. Then we learned more about countability. we compare the size of two sets and show example in real-life.  Also we learned about computability. I find that this topic was interesting but it's not be tested in the final exam. After that we did a quick final exam review.

Friday, November 14, 2014

week 10

This week we  learned some more techniques to prove Big-O and Big-Omega.
Using under-estimation tricks and over-estimation tricks make more easier to prove Big O and omega.
After this, Larry go thorough the introduction to computability. Them non-computable, halt, was hard to understand at first time however since i got the concept of halt and after couple of examples i found its quite easy.

Friday, November 7, 2014


Last week, I had several tests and two assignments due during the weekdays including test 2 and assignment 2 for csc165. Thankfully, we started on assignment 2 early this time and finished almost everything days before the assignment due.

I had test on Tuesday. I didn't prepare at all this time, so I just hoped that I wouldn't make unnecessary mistakes and for those difficult problems---let it go! There were only three proofs on the paper, and all of them were similar to problems on assignment 2. Since I wrote the similar question on aid sheet it wasn't that difficult except second problem. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014


In this week, we learned about formal definition of O and big omega. The definition wasn't hard to understand. O(n) means a set of functions that grow no faster than n and only highest-order term matter. The definition of big omega(n) means the set of function that grow no slower than n. Therefore graph of O(n) is upper_bounded when graph of big-omega is lower bounded.

Furthermore, we learned about analyze a sorting algorithm and proving the worst case-complexity of insertion sort. Using insertion sort we proved the worst case upper bound by overestimating. At first I was confused by what we are doing. I started understanding everything and also being able to predict what the next step would be. I must read course notes again and re-read the lecture slides.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

week 6

This week, we learned proofs about non-boolean functions, limits and something false.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

week 5

Tuesday was the test, and I was surprised that it took place in the regular classroom. I had spent a lot of time creating the aids sheet prior to the test. I found that it was very helpful, not only during the test, but before as well. I was able to memorize a lot of the material easily, and it helped me save some time. The test only had three questions, and they weren't terribly difficult. However, I did do relatively badly on the third question. It was similar to assignment 1, question 4 which was hardest one for me. I regret that i didn't do hard on assignment. I think i have to improve my study habit and study more and more.